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Fountain of high-energy particles detected in Antarctica is also proof of a parallel universe: Study

Fountain of high-energy particles detected in Antarctica is also proof of a parallel universe: Study

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Fountain of high-energy particles detected in Antarctica
A team of researchers has claimed that "a fountain of high-energy particles erupting from the ice" in Antarctica is also proof of a parallel universe.
A lead scientist aforesaid that the development is "in pretty sturdy tension with the quality model of physics" and it had been recorded by NASA's Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA).
Designed by NASA, ANITA could be a stratospheric balloon payload flying over Antarctica. the most aim of ANITA is to discover cosmic-ray air showers through radio-wave signals after bouncing off the ice.
ANITA succeeded in police work the 'fountain' of high-energy particles in 2006 and 2014 however the researchers at the start thought them as background or glitches.
Lead scientist associate degreed University of Hawai'i Physics faculty member Peter Gorham told Newshub that in 2016 the researchers conducted a better examination of the information and located development resembling an "upside-down cosmic-ray shower".
"What we have a tendency to saw are some things that looked a bit  it had been as if the ionizing radiation had begun of the ice itself. an awfully strange issue," aforesaid professor Gorham.
According to researchers, these particles may very well be traveling back through time, which shows that there's a parallel universe a bit like North American country during which the quality laws of physics operate in reverse.
"Not everybody was snug with the hypothesis," professor Gorham admitted to New human.
Speaking to the University of Hawai'i, he aforesaid the development "could be a sign of some new form of physics, what we have a tendency to decide on the far side the quality model of physics"

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